TAXONOMIC ATLAS of the postabdominal structures SARCOPHAGIDAE (Insecta, Diptera) Vol. II

Andy Z. Lehrer


After the publication of the first volume of Taxonomic Atlas, we hope that the taxonomists will have understood the need for a permanent microscopic research of the microstructures of the male genitalia of Sarcophagides, for their identifications and correct classification, in conformity with the standards linnéennes of the International Code of Zoologic Nomenclature. We are convinced that thanks to the comparative microscopic analysis of the organoids of the genitalia, applied to all the examined male specimens, we can note that the results obtained by the traditional methods of identification are far from expressing dipterologic reality. Because, the syntypes of a great number of let us specific or generic taxa proved that they are polyphyletic, heteromorphous and, that in much of case, they cannot be allotted to the real holotypes indicated by their authors. In the same way, the tests of certain enquiring young people who use certain data-processing methods, with an aim of cancelling best research of the large world specialists and which use the similar somatic characters, did not succeed in confirming the same known dubious taxonomic conclusions and carried out whimsical images for the classification of Sarcophagidae.

For that, the taxonomy of the Sarcophagidae family is today in a great conceptual dead end, being deteriorated by the deeply erroneous design of Pape, who disputes the existence of the kinds in nature (Pape, 1994: 15). The consequences of this fact anti-scientist are the suppression of a great number of valid kinds, establish by the contemporary specialists most qualified and their compression in certain artificial and unreasoned kinds; impossibility of making an exact determination for the majority of let us taxa, because it did not give any indication or keys; the invention of an unlimited series of unreal “lectotypes” for much of given species in an inaccurate way, which do not correspond to the holotypes of the classic authors and their existing figures.

At the same time, we are as convinced as it is obvious that these microscopic investigations cannot be done without a scientific representation, which must illustrate exactly all the characters which characterize and differentiate each taxon. Unfortunately, in lately, following the false “cladistic” design of modernization of the taxonomy, propagated by the researchers deprived of talent and imagination, the scientific drawing was replaced by photographs deeply not scientists, obscure, who do not allow to highlight contours of the plans and the organoids or the real form of the various postabdominal structures etc. By this abnormal photographic technology, with which we cannot distinguish exactly the species concerned, the knowledge of the family of

Sarcophagidae arrived at a fuller degradation and an exaggerated amplification of confusions and synonyms.

In this second volume, we presented 61 kinds and 136 species studied by us from a taxonomic point of view. Among those, 25 kinds and 75 species are personal taxa.

As in the first volume, the bibliography was limited in particular under our work, because in those all the arguments, the comparisons and specific délimitations of the structures postabdominales for let us taxa are presented. The monographs and the fundamental contributions of the large specialists are very numerous, but well-known of all the contemporary specialists and they they can be consulted easily.

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ISSN: 0425-1016 E-ISSN: 2611-8041 (OnLine)