La traduzione a scuola: una sfida possibile
The widespread adoption of the communicative approach in foreign language teaching has resulted in the near-total exclusion of translation from classroom practice. However, translation activities have recently begun to be included in textbooks, representing a novel element that requires reflection in view of the transformative changes that have occurred in language teaching and learning, as well as in the broader context of education.
In contrast to its use as a means of assessing the acquisition of morpho-syntactic skills, as is still the case for classical languages, translation in modern language teaching is integrated with elements related to intercultural competence and democratic citizenship. This paper will present a case study of a translation project, namely the translation of a German novel into Italian by a group of secondary school students, as a way of dealing at school level with the problems that arise from translation. The paper will define the educational objectives pursued, discuss the difficulties encountered, present the strategies and solutions suggested, and examine the interweaving of technical aspects, such as those of translation, with educational issues.
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