Handlungsorientiertes und kooperatives Lernen im Masterstudium Fachübersetzung Deutsch-Italienisch am Beispiel des Projekts „Stadtführung Bari für eine deutsche Schulklasse“
Based on general considerations regarding translation studies, the following paper describes the experiences of a guided walking tour through Bari which was conducted by students of the Master's degree program in Specialized Translation (German) at the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro in collaboration with students from the German section of the classical high school Liceo Classico Statale Socrate in Bari during the annual visit from their German partner school, Gymnasium Riedberg. The presentation of the single phases of the project work (planning - execution - evaluation) serves not only a documentary purpose, but also reflects methodological and didactic approaches and the teaching and learning objectives achieved. These achievements can contribute to the improvement of practical language and communicative skills as well as the development of professionally relevant competences.
Parole chiave
German language for professional purposes; tour guide skills; project-based learning; activity-oriented learning
Full Text
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/1970-1861/2097
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