Parole e spazi del dramma antico sulla scena contemporanea: due progetti digitali del Laboratorio ‘Dionysos’

Sara Troiani, Giada Arcidiacono


The paper illustrates the first results of two digital projects developed in collaboration with Laboratorio ‘Dionysos’ - A Digital Archive of Ancient Drama (University of Trento), whose research interests fall into ancient drama and its reception within the contemporary culture. The first project is intended to produce a case study of contrastive translation about the prologue and the parodos of Euripides’ Bacchae, analysing the translations by Felice Bellotti (1851), Ettore Romagnoli (1930), Edoardo Sanguineti (1965), and Ezio Savino (2008). Using digital tools (OCR, XML-TEI language and Euporia), it will be possible to create a user-interface, which permits to compare diachronically the chosen texts. The second project aims to offer an enquiry on the presence of ancient theatres and other archaeological sites within the region Campania, in order to create an online database with information on their use as venues for performances of ancient Greek and Roman dramas staged from the early XX Century to the present age.

Parole chiave

Ancient Theatre; Digital Humanities; Translation Studies; Contrastive Translation; Classical Reception Studies; Performance of Ancient Drama; Reuse of Archaeological Sites.

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