La 'dimora poetica' di Gianfranco Palmery: nuova σκηνή per un Edipo contemporaneo

Silvia Cutuli


By analyzing the content of Corpo di Scena, the little book of lyrics that Roman poet Gianfranco Palmery published in 2013, this paper proposes to recognize a possible sophisticated reuse of the Oedipus’ myth, subject of Sofocles’, Euripides’ and Seneca’ pieces. The lyrical Ego is ‘brought on the scene’ (as the title suggests) with a lexicon evoking the classical theatre and the contrasting image of ‘victim’ and ‘perpetrator’. Its pervasive suffering is featured not only through the themes of metaphorical blindness, exile, seclusion, but also through the specific ambivalence of ‘atavistic guilt/predestination’ and ‘personal fault/crime’.

Parole chiave

Gianfranco Palmery: Corpo di Scena; Oedipus; blindness; exile; seclusion; crime; predestination.

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