Il topos delle "rovine" e il ruolo dei classici nell'ode "Dinanzi alle terme di Caracalla" di Carducci (Cicerone, Orazio, Properzio)

Francesca Boldrer


The contribution deals with the presence of classical sources in Giosue Carducci’s poem Dinanzi alle terme di Caracalla, included in his Odi barbare, which draws inspiration from the ruins of ancient Rome. Allusions to Latin poets like Horace and Propertius, as well as to Cicero and Homer can be noted, which, together with medieval and modern influences, contribute to expressing the poet’s moral message, severe but not without hope in a cultural and civil 'awakening' in contemporary times.

Parole chiave

Carducci; Odi barbare; Dinanzi alle Terme di Caracalla; poetry of ruins; classical sources.

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