La natura della memoria autobiografica e l’autobiografia linguistica. Il metodo autobiografico nella linguistica educativa per gli anziani

Mario Cardona, Maria Cecilia Luise


Autobiographical memory is an essential part of long-term memory. It intersects cognitive processes, current emotions related to the memory of oneself past, and thought about oneself and one’s goals and purposes. Autobiographical memory joins past with future of an individual. By it everyone forms an idea about himself/herself.

Starting from the features of autobiographical memory it is possible to elaborate an autobiographical method. This paper aims to analyse the main features of the autobiographical memory within the perspective of the language education of the elderly. It will especially focus on the model of language autobiography as an educational and training tool for the language education of the adults and elderly.

Parole chiave

Autobiographical memory; language autobiography; autobiographical method; language education of the elderly

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