La fruizione degli ambienti di apprendimento nella didattica dell’italiano L2

Alice Gasparini


“The question of where people learn languages is equally as important as that of how they do so” (Benson, 2021). The paper explores the digital “where”, considering learning spaces for SLA. The literature offers a great deal of research about online learning but only a little on digital linguistic settings in interaction with learners. Students move within the spaces, they choose and select material, they construct their own path and knowledge. From the ecology of learning perspective, learning happens through the interaction with the environment (van Lier, 2004). Better understanding of that can help the teachers to comprehend the way students live and experience the learning platform. 

The study employed mixed methods which include qualitative and quantitative designs to have a more complete view of the problem. The data were collected through the observation of Italian as L2 students of the University G. D’Annunzio in classroom and within two different linguistic virtual contexts, an LMS[1]Moodle-based and a CMS[2] WordPress-based where digital resources for Italian as L2 were implemented. Thanks to the data analysis, it was possible to cast light on the construction of their own learning space and gave relevant suggestion about students’ behaviour.


[1]Il Learning Management System è un software dedicato all’amministrazione, la documentazione, il tracciamento, i report e l’erogazione di corsi di formazione, corsi e interventi didattici.  

[2]Il Content Management System è un software per la gestione, la creazione e la modifica di contenuti digitali. Alcuni esempi sono Wikipedia, le piattaforme per i blog o siti internet.

Parole chiave

Digital learning environments, Technology-mediated Language learning, Italian as L2, Usability, Learning Analytics

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