Educational (di)stances: reimagining ELT in hybrid learning-teaching environments

Elena Intorcia


The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic abruptly forced educational institutions worldwide to turn to distance learning to keep the educational process going on. The need to use digital resources in the daily teaching and learning practice has inevitably obliged educators at large to think about education in new ways.

How can high quality learning, envisaged by the United Nations 2030 Agenda as the fourth Sustainable Development Goal, be ensured to students when working in a hybrid environment? What is the students’ own perception of blended, hybrid and/or of totally online classes? Which contribution can the latest cognitive neuroscience research give to designing effective learning environments, both in-presence and remotely?

The teaching profession needs to be profoundly rethought and teachers, as professionals in the field of education, should focus not only on what their students learn, but also on how the learning process can be mediated and boosted, thus prioritizing the authentic nature of any educational institution.

Parole chiave

academic teaching; learning; student engagement; curriculum design; hybrid classes

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