L’apprendente di Lingue classiche è un utente plurilingue?

Stefania Leondini


The focus of this paper is on classical languages methodology in light of two recent documents released by the Council of Europe. A Recommendation released in 2018 identifies eight key competences that are relevant towards a general rethinking and reshaping of traditional schooling and may promote a fresh approach to classical texts as well. In the CEFR Companion Volume, Mediation is a key concept: the change in terminology from the four skills to the four modes of activity recognizes the role of the social dimension in language learning and promotes the Action-oriented approach. The concept of the user/learner as a social agent mobilising his/her unique plurilingual repertoire represents a significant development from the communicative approach.

Language is not used just to transmit knowledge, but also to construct meanings. Thus, passing from one language to another necessarily involves passing from one culture to another. In these activities, the learner interprets a cultural phenomenon in relation to another culture, that involves his/her pluricultural repertoire. A process of linguistic mediation tries to facilitate understanding in a process of cultural mediation and translation. Teaching should shift from a traditional methodology to a new one that consists in rearranging contents according to new cultural paradigm, in order to broaden and deepen linguistic knowledge and awareness and improve translational abilities.

Parole chiave

Classical Languages; mother tongue; plurilingualism; translation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/1970-1861/1329


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