The use of TBLT and metacognitive awareness in enhancing the speaking competence of second language learners: a case study in Chinese students learning beginner level Italian language

Silvia Scolaro


This case study analyses the use of Task Based Language Teaching and metacognitive awareness for enhancing oral proficiency in a group of Chinese students learning beginner level Italian language. The implementation of TBLT and metacognitive awareness in the classroom is explained. Followed by the methodology used for the research. The qualitative data was gathered from students’ diaries while the quantitative data comes from standardized exam results. Subsequently the data is qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed, comparing both the experimental and control groups. The study displays the impact on both the speaking and listening skills of the students. It also shows a deeper awareness of their metacognitive skills and suggests lower performance anxiety, while heightening the students’ self-esteem and motivation.

Parole chiave

TBLT; metacognitive awareness; oral production; Chinese students; speaking

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