Fare pragmatica alla scuola primaria. Tra teoria e pratica didattica

Stefania Ferrari


Both first and second language acquisition research and language education invite teachers to integrate grammar and pragmatics into the curriculum. A wider attention towards spoken language use in situational contexts close to children experience can potentially facilitate the development of inclusive teaching practices. However, such a challenge requires a strict collaboration between research and classroom practice, in order to develop teacher training programs and teaching resources for multicultural primary school classrooms.

The present work, after presenting a review of present literature on learning and teaching pragmatics in L1 and L2, discusses the teacher training and action-research project Oggi facciamo pragmatica dedicated to the Italian pragmatics in primary schools and illustrates the first results from a serie of exploratory studies.

Parole chiave

Italiano L1 e L2; pragmatica; scuola primaria

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/1970-1861/1532


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