Quale autorialità? Il nuovo rapporto tra testo e autore nell'era digitale e algoritmica

Santa Lamorgese


The advent of digital writing has profoundly redefined the concept of authorship and the relationship between author and text. The aim of this article is to explore the evolution of that relationship, with a brief historical overview. It analyzes the changes that have taken place in the paradigms of writing, which has gone from Platonic, to digital, to multimedia to the recent paradigm defined as algorithmic, that is, related to the role of artificial intelligence in textual production, which faces us with new scenarios never experienced before. Particular focus is devoted to how digital writing has transformed text, and not for the first time in history, from a closed and authorial form to an open and collaborative entity, as demonstrated by the example of Wikipedia. Further reflection is dedicated to the role of AI in textual creation, highlighting the methods and implications of text production that draws on texts whose authors are not credited. Finally, additional reflection will be devoted to the new frontiers of authorship and text with the advent of automatic text generative systems, highlighting issues related to the new conception of authorship that this new ecosystem forces to redefine.

Parole chiave

Author; text; AI; writing

Full Text


DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/1970-1861/2030


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