Chi salverà il Pianeta? Proposta didattica per la sensibilizzazione alla sostenibilità ambientale per studenti cinesi

Silvia Scolaro


This contribution intends to present an educational activity, carried out with A1/A2 level Chinese students in which the topics of environmental protection and sustainability are discussed. It was implemented through task-based language teaching activities (Nunan 1989; Ferrari & Nuzzo 2011; Cortés Velásquez & Nuzzo 2018) through which students are placed at the center of the cognitive process, acting on their own behalf with the language to create a final product. This is a method to work on "knowing how to use the language" (Balboni 2014, 2023), on critical thinking and on problem solving. Specifically, we will describe how the teaching activity was implemented in the classroom, we will present the final products created by the learners and discuss the results of a final questionnaire aimed at investigating the learners' perception of what has been done from a metacognitive perspective.

Parole chiave

Chinese students, TBLT, teaching Italian; Italian and sustainability; Marco Polo and Turandot students

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