L’œuvre connective. L’être-ensemble, l’émotion publique, la condition numérique

Vincenzo Susca


Digital culture completes the transition from public opinion to public emotion started in the first half of the 20th century following the advent of historical avant-gardes, the catastrophes of world wars and the crisis of ideologies. In this scenario, empathy, “we” (tribes, networks, clouds, fans, etc.) and technology prevail over the pillars of Western modernity: abstract thought, the rational and autonomous individual, the subject as the center of the world. The analysis of the changes taking place in the sociology of the imaginary and mediaology makes it possible to identify new forms of being together, the cause and effect of transpolitical sensitivities capable of modifying the consolidated balance in power and knowledge relations. In particular, we are witnessing the emergence of an unprecedented way of experiencing thought, daily life and creation: this is the birth of a connective work that tends to make ordinary existence coincide with art and politics, beyond art and politics.

Parole chiave

imaginary; digital culture; mediatisation; public emotion

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/2704-8659/1126


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