Der Ausbau der phonologischen Kompetenz im DaF-Unterricht durch den Einsatz von Netflix

Vincenzo Damiazzi


Starting from the status of German teaching in Italy as L3, this contribution aims to exploit learners’ prior knowledge in English L2 for the development of phonological competence and prosodic awareness through the Netflix streaming platform. Firstly, the multilingual approach adopted by the Companion Volume to the CEFR is expounded together with the revised scales for phonological proficiency with a focus on suprasegmental aspects. Next, we illustrate the operation of the Language Reactor application in conjunction with Netflix and its possibilities for use in Third Language Acquisition (TLA). Finally, exercises based on a German-language television series are proposed with the aim of improving the realisation of prosody in certain sentence types or in utterances with specific communicative aims.

Parole chiave

German prosody; phonological control; phonological awareness; German as a Foreign Language; DaFnE; Netflix; Third Language Acquisition

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