Il rapporto tra appartenenza religiosa e persecuzione per motivi religiosi

Roberta Santoro


Geographical mobility is a phenomenon that has always accompanied the history of humanity and has profoundly influenced the modernization of Western societies and the birth of state communities.

 In today's global society, migration has established itself as one of the main factors in the transformation of our societies. In addition to being a demographic phenomenon, they act, with their transformative potential, at all levels of social life: from the economic, political-institutional to the cultural and identity level.

After the fall of the bipolar system globalization (of the economy) and globalization (of culture, religion, media) have favored the circulation of different cultural visions and practices, imposing changes in social environments characterized by homologous cultural dynamics. This also generates a sense of uncertainty and precariousness and for this reason the concept of religious belonging, understood as an expression of the bond of the person with a religious community, considered essential and not to be renounced, becomes increasingly important.

All this leads to a new requalification and position of the person and his rights, including his right to democratic participation in a broader national context, in which frequently the lack of points of constitutional reference gives greater value to the spaces in which the membership expresses itself with a tension and a dynamic of high participation.

In this long phase of change, the intensification of religious intolerance and the fear that the practice or profession of a certain faith can endanger one's life push both individuals and entire groups of people to flee their country of origin to ask for protection elsewhere.

Faced with the increase in requests for international protection, the national legal systems replied making the rules for entry and stay within their territory increasingly inflexible.

Parole chiave

Migration; globalization; religious belonging; multiculturalism; persecution

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E-ISSN: 2612-6583
Codice ANCE: E251746