Il principio eurounitario di «libera amministrazione delle autorità pubbliche» nelle direttive UE nn. 23 e 24 del 2014 su contratti e appalti pubblici e l’impatto sulla normativa interna di recepimento in tema di in house providing

Cosimo Pietro Guarini


The introduction in EU directives of 2014 on Contracts and public procurement of the principle of ' free administration of public authorities ' significantly impacts on the national concept of recourse to the instrument of inhouseproviding by the pp. aa. Regional and local authorities for the performance of services of general economic interest. The use of the in house seems to return in the "ordinary" availability of the public administrations, constrained to only respect the “European” conditions that contemplate it. The Italian legislator, however, at the time of transposition of the aforementioned directives, seems to have no particular emphasis to it.

Parole chiave

In houseproviding; Public procurement; Competition; Regional and local authorities

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E-ISSN: 2612-6583
Codice ANCE: E251746