Project financing e beni culturali

Stefania Cavaliere


Since 1980s the cultural heritage sector has assumed and increased its economic and social emphasis. Nevertheless cultural heritage intrinsic value prevents from the chance of equate them with an economic life instrument. This is the reason why the greatest successes in cultural management have been achived when the appropriate balance between protection , exploitation and fruition of governamental purposes was reached. We must also consider the development of profit, employment and newest cultural heritage forms of work. A concrete implemention of this statement is figured in several collaboration forms between public authorities but also private ones. Collaborations often happen with two types of “agreements”: the so called partenariato istituzionale and the so called partenariato contrattuale. In the context of the latter one is included the financing project and development. This contract is characterised by the synergistic connection between public and private and it allows to obtain greater resources with the benefit of making projects and services without the Public Administration spending. At least with regard to cultural heritage, the use of this contract is still under implementation; perhaps because of the administrations lack of familiarity with this type of legal istitute which is very complicated. The following paper analyzes the specific financing project discipline comparing with the rules contained in the Cultural and Environmental Heritage code, also highlighting its strenghts and weakness. Talking about the financing project it is also even important in terms of coherence in the legislation with the public cultural heritage function. If properly applied this contract reaches efficient management and administration with the possibility of offering a better service for all citizens.

Parole chiave

Gestione economica beni culturali; partenariato pubblico privato; project financing; vantaggio economico per la Pubblica Amministrazione

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E-ISSN: 2612-6583
Codice ANCE: E251746