Human security and human rights during the Coronavirus pandemic

Luljeta Kodra


Human security, defined as a state to relieve people of the traumas that accompany human development, is closely linked to human rights. The treatment of the concept of human security enables the narrowing of the gap between the citizen and the state.

At the time of a pandemic, the task of protecting life forces states to take special measures. The response of states to coronavirus has consisted of restrictive measures, which often conflict with human rights. International Human Rights Law allows the restrictions on freedom in cases of national emergencies, but necessary and proportionate.

Health security, as an integral part of human security, aims to guarantee a necessary minimum of protection against diseases, especially infectious, epidemic and poor living conditions.
State institutions have a responsibility to guarantee medical treatment as needed. Ignoring or refusing this service, even to a single citizen, can have fatal consequences for national security.

The Covid-19 pandemic also caused collapse in developed countries, with advanced health systems. It is still too early to make final analyzes, studies and evaluations regarding this pandemic. Experience and lessons learned should serve to make such a situation as less emergency as possible in the future. Important for this, among other things, is the evaluation and respect of professional communities.

Parole chiave

human security; human rights; pandemic situation

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Codice ANCE: E251746