The process of enlargement of EU: the state of art of efforts of Albania in the light of latest reports

Arber Gjeta


The process of enlargement of EU for the countries of Western Balkans is an ongoing process, which is the most important since the adhesions of 2004 and, maybe, the conclusive enlargement of the Union. Through this paper we aim to offer an insight of the historical progresses made from Albanian in its integration process from the Association and Stabilization Agreement until the opening of the negotiations and an analyze of some of the latest progress reports of the EC from a legal perspective. In our opinion, the key and most relevant issue within the process of integration and during negotiations is the correct adoption of the acquis. Furthermore, analyzing the status of the acquis adoption in Albania in the light of the Commission reports will permit us to reach important conclusions on the status of the process and the path forward in future research.

Parole chiave

enlargement; acquis adoption; negotiations

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E-ISSN: 2612-6583
Codice ANCE: E251746