The court of dictation and its attempts on constitutional review

Aurela Anastasi


The review of the history of law after the establishment of the independent state in Albania, brings completely new data on the constitutional judicial practice. Archival documents reveal interesting facts, left in oblivion due to the interruption of legal succession during the communist system. This study aims to highlight one of the most significant events in the history of constitutional law in Albania. It analyzes the attempt by the Court of Dictation (the highest court until the end of World War II), to exercise constitutional control over the laws. This fact caused a storm of the political regime, which managed to dissolve the Court. The paper analyses the case and concludes that the building of an independent judiciary in Albania is inseparable from the movement for constitutionalism.

Parole chiave

Albanian studies; the Court of Dictation; constitutional review; independence of the judiciary, irrevocability

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