Environmental Sustainability and Economic Development

Giovanni Luchena


The article explores the multifaceted concept of sustainability within legal, economic, and environmental contexts. It examines sustainability’s evolution from a focus on economic development to an integrated approach encompassing environmental and social dimensions, emphasizing its role in European Union (EU) policy and legal frameworks. The text highlights key principles such as sustainable development, the Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) criterion, and the principle of integration, demonstrating their impact on policy areas like agriculture, energy, and market regulation. It also addresses the transformative potential of sustainability in reorienting economic systems, emphasizing systemic approaches, legal advancements, and the interplay of law, economics, and ethics to foster a sustainable future.

Parole chiave

Sustainability; Sustainable Development; Environmental Transition; EU Policy; Social Justice

Full Text


DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/2612-6583/2107


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