The role and potential of green nudges as a normative tool for sustainability policies: bridging the gap between theory and practice

Milena Gaddi


The research explores the potential of nudges as complementary tools to traditional regulatory instruments within the framework of sustainability goals. Nudges, grounded in behavioral economics, influence individual decisions through subtle adjustments to choice architecture, while preserving freedom of choice. Although nudges demonstrate effectiveness in guiding individual behaviors, their limitations make them insufficient for addressing the imperative goals of sustainability through a systematic approach. For this reason, their practical implementation requires a robust foundation to mitigate their limitations. In this research, Impact Assessment—particularly Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the provisions of the European directive on EIA—is identified as a key platform for integrating green nudges. From this perspective, green nudges and EIA establish a complementary relationship: EIA's shortcomings are addressed through the use of nudging, while green nudges gain the regulatory tool necessary to enhance their effectiveness. This analysis embraces a fundamental duality, focusing on green nudges through two interconnected perspectives. First, green nudges are evaluated as essential tools in shaping specific types of impact assessments. Second, they are considered as outcomes, themselves influenced by the structure of these assessments, which in turn affect policymakers, stakeholders, and end-users who interact with or are impacted by these tools. Recognizing this duality is essential to enable a nuanced approach that highlights the need for context-dependent evaluations.

Parole chiave

green nudges; impact assessment; sustainability policies

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E-ISSN: 2612-6583
Codice ANCE: E251746