L’attualità del pensiero di Fanon e Dussel: prospettive critiche su decolonizzazione e identità attraverso il caso studio della performance “Pink Attack” a Milano
This article proposes a comparison between the postcolonial and decolonial perspectives in Frantz Fanon and Enrique Dussel and tries to apply the results to analyze the meaning of a performance on colonialism and neo-colonialism organized in Milan. Fanon and Dussel have been involved respectively in national liberation movements (and in the négritude debate) and in the “Philosophy of the Liberation”. Their operas define a continuative arch between the colonial domain and nowadays. Fanon focuses on both the European supremacy and the brutal coloniality, Dussel assumes this reality as a starting point to define the de-structuring effects of globalization. The comparison faces three critical points: 1. The epistemological violence 2. The conception of identity 3. The relationship between race and gender liberation instances. The second part of this paper gives an insight about the public debate taking place in Italy on European colonialism and the young “Italians without citizenship” generations, particularly after the Pink Attack performance organized by a group of young Italian and non-Italian girls during the global women’s strike on the 8th of March 2019. The performance consisted in pink painting the new Indro Montanelli’s statue in Milan and tried to highlight contrasts in collective memories, identities and differences in the perceptions of social values. This performance and the echo it had been able to produce on media and social networks can work as a test for previous analysis, as useful tool to frame contemporary issues, such as the race-gender-class intersection, the mestizaje or the multiple modernity paradigm.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/2704-8659/1213
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E-ISSN: 2704-8659