Lending ears to EFL learners: perceived difficulties and leading causes

Irina Stan


In Italy, English learning primarily occurs within the confines of the classroom rather than through everyday communication. Consequently, Italian learners of English often lack opportunities to utilize the language as a means of daily communication outside educational settings, thereby emphasizing the pivotal role of formal instruction in shaping their English proficiency. Given the concerning proficiency levels reported in both European and national assessments, this study aims to explore the challenges encountered by students of English as a foreign language (EFL) and their underlying causes. A total of 447 first-year undergraduates, not majoring in English, participated in the study. Data were collected via an open-ended question and a questionnaire, and subsequently analyzed using thematic coding. The findings revealed that students predominantly face barriers of linguistic, instructional, and affective nature, compounded by limited opportunities for practical application beyond the classroom. Based on these results, the study offers insights into potential factors contributing to these challenges and provides recommendations aimed at assisting educators and learners in overcoming barriers associated with EFL instruction in Italy.

Parole chiave

English as a Foreign Language; Second Language Learning; difficulties; perception

Full Text


DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/1970-1861/2028


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