Using WebQuests to improve oral English performance in university courses with non-linguistic programmes

Simona Scanni


Students in non-language programmes may struggle with oral English exams. The present study aims at exploring strategies to facilitate the acquisition of a foreign language (FL), particularly English as an FL, in university and higher education courses that require the passing of an oral exam. The study focuses on how students at non-linguistic university specialties and varying English proficiency levels, can perform well on an oral exam through WebQuests, a web-based learning methodology which provides students with a controlled and well-structured context to practice authentic tasks using the language and grammar information provided throughout the course and relevant to the exam. By creating a WebQuest with clear steps to follow and material provided by the teacher, students can produce domain-specific language and practical apply technical vocabulary in a controlled environment for the academic purposes of the final exam. A case study was carried out on a cohort of students enrolled in a master’s degree programme in sports science. Class observations, final exam grades, and an optional student questionnaire were used to assess the effectiveness of the WebQuests. The findings suggest that WebQuests can enhance students' oral performance by engaging them in authentic tasks that facilitate the topic-related vocabulary use and can improve students’ motivation and satisfaction within the academic experience. This research suggests that WebQuests can be a valuable tool for educators looking to improve their students' oral English skills in university settings, especially for non-linguistic disciplines.



Parole chiave

English as a foreign language; digital tools; oral skills; evaluation; WebQuest

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