Against Hate speech towards Roma Community, Migrants, Ethnic minorities and Any vulnerable groups – AHEAD Project: indagine esplorativa sulle percezioni giovanili

Rosa Palermo


Il contributo presenta il framework, il protocollo metodologico e gli esiti della prima fase di ricerca-formazione realizzata nell’ambito del progetto Erasmus AHEAD - Against Hate speech towards Roma Community, Migrants, Ethnic minorities and Any vulnerable groups. L’analisi indaga le rappresentazioni e le esperienze personali del campione (target: giovani 16-29 anni) sulle minoranze etniche e sulla discriminazione più in generale; le risultanze sono propedeutiche alla seconda fase del progetto. 


The paper presents the framework, the methodological protocol and the results of the first research-training phase carried out within the Erasmus project AHEAD - Against Hate speech towards Roma Community, Migrants, Ethnic minorities and Any vulnerable groups. The analysis investigates the representations and personal experiences of the sample (target: young people aged between 16 and 29) on ethnic minorities and discrimination more generally; the results are preparatory to the second phase of the project. 

Parole chiave

Human Rights Education; HRE; AHEAD, xenophobia; prevention;

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E-ISSN: 2974-9050