Work contexts and promotion of collective knowledge: the NRPP as an opportunity
One of the interesting proposals of the American model of humanistic management is that innovation is possible only when freedom of expression is left to (and among) people in the framework of renewed responsibilities and when the development of participatory practices is aimed at increasing the value of the social and productive role of the worker (Pilotti, 2019), but also by creating shared knowledge (Castells, 2014). It is precisely the latter that finds an ally and promoter in the measures provided for in the PNRR, which thus become opportunities for the promotion of a new vision: organizational knowledge that, like people, is the only asset of value that is not perishable for work contexts.
Parole chiave
Work; Collective Knowledge; Pedagogy; Humanism; Generativity
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E-ISSN: 2974-9050